[Nuxt.js] Componentizing Table Elements

I would like to leave a note about component design when creating tables with Nuxt.js.

The directory structure is as follows :

- src
  L assets
  L components
    L atoms
    L molecules
      L gridTable.vue
    L organisms
      L detail.vue
  L pages
    L index.vue

I have created two components (gridTable.vue, detail.vue) .
In the overall page, details to be described in table format are in detail.vue, and the structural part to display them in table format is in gridTable.vue.

<- parent: table.vue !->
 <grid-table :data="tableData" :columns="tableColumns" />

import gridTable from '~/components/Molecules/gridTable'

export default {
 name: 'Detail',

 components: {

 data() {
   return {
     tableData: [
         item: 'FooFoo',
         item: 'FooFoo',
         item: 'FooFoo',
         item: 'FooFoo',
     tableColumns: ['item', 'description']

<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '~/assets/css/setting/_foofoo.scss';
<- child: gridTable.vue !->
 <section id="detail" data-ult="on">
   <h3>table elements</h3>
   <div class="grid-table">
           <tr v-for="(entryVal, entryKey) in iterationData" :key="entryKey">
             <td v-for="key in columns" :key="key">
               <p v-html="entryVal[key]" />

export default {
 name: 'Table',
 props: {
   data: Array,
   columns: Array
 computed: {
   iterationData() {
     let data = this.data

     return data

<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '~/assets/css/setting/_foofoo.scss';

※ This article is an English rewrite of my Japanese article published on August 4, 2019.