I have been addicted to collecting digital sneakers on Aglet for the past three months or so, and one of the key motivations for Aglet users to use Aglet would be to collect various sneakers.
There are three main ways to collect sneakers on Aglet:
(1) Walk a certain number of steps set in advance.
(2) Picking up “STASH” on the map
(3) Buying sneakers at “SHOP” or “MARKET”.
(1) and (2) do not allow you to choose your favorite sneakers, so method (3) is especially important for me as I want to concentrate on collecting my favorite sneakers. However, since there is no limit to the number of sneakers I can buy, I purchase sneakers in the order of my highest priority among my favorite sneakers, just as I do in real-life shopping.

So, just like in real online shopping, I thought it would be nice if I could add products I like to my favorites list, and when I save up enough money(Aglet), I could buy the sneakers I wanted from my favorites list, or get a notification that the number of views of products I am interested in is increasing and I have to buy them quickly or they will be gone. I also thought it would be nice if the app could provide recommendations and personalized information about my favorite sneakers. I created some UI images of the favorites feature.
Aglet team guys, I would love it if you could implement this feature for me!