
Hi there, I’m Anny, a UX designer.

I’m a UX designer who specializes in providing value to customers and improving KPIs. I help companies make improvements to their existing products and deliver more value to their customers around the world.
After studying behavioral economics-based modeling in graduate school, I have gained experience in UX design and business development. I specialize in numerically improving new business ventures based on my strengths in a wide range of research and structural analysis.


🧞‍♀️ Personality type: INTJ
🦸🏼‍♂️ Top 10 strengths: Individualization | Learner | Ideation | Achiever | Analytical | Strategic | Relator | Command | Intellection | Activator

My Design Process

1. Understanding

The first step in every project is to understand the business goals and user needs. Understanding the root problem is the first essential step for discovering a successful solution in UX design.

 ・Clearly define the problem
 ・Define requirements
 ・Create user personas
 ・Identify usage scenarios and motivations

2. Research

After obtaining a clear understanding of the problem, I move onto researching/analyzing competitors and exploring possible solutions. To gain a deep understanding of the social value of the business and what end users want, how they use existing products in their real lives, and what they ultimately want to accomplish, we conduct UX research, focusing on extensive competitive research, to extract KSFs and best practices. I study various apps across the digital landscape that may spark ideas and UI design solutions. With enough information gathered, I begin sketching ideas, defining task flows and creating rough prototypes.

 ・Conduct UX research; competitive research, market research, user interview, analyze data, etc.
 ・Extract KSFs and best practices
 ・Sketch rough ideas
 ・Create wireframes/prototypes

3. Design & Plan

After exploring potential ideas, structuring the wireframes, making a list of UI and plans that maximize marketing effectiveness, I consider planning and development priorities, taking into account development man-hours and effectiveness. Once I have agreed with all parties involved – including product owners, key stakeholders, engineers and the end user- on the priorities and phases (roadmap) of execution in planning and functional development, I create a prototype for each phase and make sure that we are all aware of the goal image.

 ・Design UI elements
 ・Prototyping in Figma, XD, etc.
 ・Frequent check-ins with stakeholder reviews

4. Hand-Off & Growth Support

Once the designs are finally approved, I will communicate with the engineers throughout the development process and follow through to post-launch PDCA improvements, as needed. Through the data, findings, and user feedback, we can iterate and make adjustments accordingly.

 ・User Interviews
 ・Data collection
 ・Design iterations


  • The University of Tokyo – Master of Engineering
  • The University of Tokyo – Bachelor of Engineering


Take a look at some works below. If you require any further information, please contact me.

View Projects…→

Let’s Make Somethin’ Exciting Together.

Feel free to reach out to me via email or DM.

currently in Tokyo, Japan (originally from Houston)

1 thought on “About

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